The Brief:

Key Insight: Your clothes should fit you, not the other way around.

GET: pregnant and postpartum women

WHO: are told that postpartum bodies are an unfortunate stage in the journey of motherhood

TO: see a Nuuly subscription as an avenue for self-expression, self-care, and self-acceptance

BY: showing what it looks like to nurture and honor your body in its current state

What sparked my interest:

“I don’t really have time to go shopping right now,” my sister-in-law told me a month after she gave birth to twins, “but I want to wait until I lose the baby weight anyways.”

I felt unprepared for how to respond– how to validate the busy-ness of her life and the changes in her body without agreeing with the sentiment that she should “lose the baby weight.” Thinking over our conversation later, I wondered how other pregnant and postpartum women navigated their situations.

I decided to look into it.

What I found important:

  1. It’s assumed that postpartum women will do everything in their power to “bounce back” to their pre-baby body. This pressure is real, and it’s damaging.

  2. Though it doesn’t happen on a specific timeline, many pregnant and postpartum women do change shapes and sizes, so buying new clothes soon after giving birth (or during pregnancy) might not be financially or environmentally sustainable.

  3. The transition into motherhood “along with joy can be full of challenges, self-doubt, confusion and exhaustion” (source). (What is the transition often not full of, you ask? Free time. And sleep.)

  4. Our culture idealizes maternal self-sacrifice, but self-care is not selfish. “The more nurtured and comfortable you feel, the more bandwidth you’ll have to give to your child” (source).

Through my research, I was struck by women who push back against the pressure they face, choosing to embrace their postpartum bodies, and to dress in clothes that made them feel comfortable and confident– clothes that made them feel like themselves. That’s what I wanted this campaign to elevate and encourage.

The Brand:

While many brands could have a voice in this issue, few brands could provide a legitimately helpful solution, one that hit all the nails (sustainability, personalization, ease) squarely on the head. That’s where Nuuly came in.

Nuuly, a clothing rental subscription company, offers clothes from hundreds of brands and designers and in a wide array of sizes, including– yes!!–  clothing specifically for maternity and postpartum. Pregnant and postpartum women can shop from the comfort of their own home without rearranging nap schedules, and choose clothes that fit their personal taste, their new daily routines, and their bodies– without worrying about fitting into the piece a few months down the line.

Strategist: Camille Whisenant

Art Director: Emily DeMordaunt

Copywriter: Kate Salisbury

Content Creator: Madison McVey